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If you weren’t already blown away on the way to Durmitor, then it gonna happen just there.

I chose a pretty particular way to get there, called r432a. With the help of Ivan I could figure out that this path can be used for border crossing even there was no border control. Before this walk I charged coffeine and carbs in Gacko, full of Börek, I crossed the border. 

The parcours at check point 04 was the longest of all, 40kms with a final pass to be crossed at almost 2000m of elevation.

Dinner in freezing cold Zabeljak, saying goodbye to Camille and John the photographer and leaving. Crazy night ride, only climbing. I think climbing shall really be over now. Endless roads to be climbing, water on the roads and dogs!

I did not plan to stop, but I had to. Really this climbing sucks. It really sucks!